Bella Vista High School

One of the major highlights of the track season is the Bronco Distance Carnival, a meet that features only distance events, and has a unique “vibe” about it. It’s a meet where we circle the date as a culmination point in our training so that a high number of our athletes are primed for at least a season best, but hopefully a lifetime best. Whitney had 39 runners entered, with most racing two events, and when the evening was done, there was a total of 49 season bests recorded. And of those 49 bests, 34 of them were lifetime PR’s!!!

A nice feature of this meet is the fair seeding of each runner so that each heat is close and competitive. Another nice feature is the t-shirt awarded to the top 3 finishers in each heat. Whitney had quite a few t-shirts by the end of the evening.

Every Whitney runner was entered in the 1600, which was the first series of races. When it was all said and done, the Wildcats claimed 9 t-shirts (top 3 finishes) in just the 1600. For the girls left to right … Emily Manzer, Grace Pierce, Caitlin Blythe, Leanne Valdez, and Brooke Giorgi. And the guys … Austin Vasquez, Alex Eickmann, Tyler Hawkins, and Byron Chadwick.

Congratulations Wildcats!!!